cudham riding club

Cudham Riding Club is a modern-day freeform murder mystery party for 14 to 40 people, published by Murder Mystery Games Ltd.

(Note that if you click on the link below and then buy Cudham Riding Club I will earn a small amount of commission.)

the story

Cudham Riding Club

Lady Amanda Cudham, Chairwoman and Benefactress of the Cudham Riding Club has died in a tragic riding accident - and the police suspect foul play!

So come and join the members of the Cudham Riding Club as they gather to elect a new chairwoman, trade horses, bet on the Isle of Man handicap - and even solve the mystery of who killed Lady Cudman.

Cudham Riding Club lasts for about four hours and is suited to an evening.

It is often played over a meal - a finger buffet is possible to allow guests to circulate and talk in private.

The cast of Cudham Riding Club includes:

  • The (remaining) committee members
  • Horse traders - and owners and prospective buyers
  • D.C.I Dawdley of Scotland Yard
  • A bookmaker - to take bets on the Isle of Man handicap
  • And the rest of the Club - including the pillars of Cudham society, including MPs, businessmen and their families.

Some of the characters are optional - Cudham Riding Club plays equally well with anywhere from 14 to 40 people - including the host.

Cudham Riding Club contains detailed rules of who should be included and who should be dropped if you have fewer than 40 guests.

(A brief warning - the members of the Cudham Riding Club have indulged in some truly awful behaviour: adultery, fraud, coercion, blackmail, theft, cocaine-abuse and other skulduggery. They are perhaps the worst-behaved group of characters of any of the murder mystery games here, so you might want to think twice before running the game for people of a sensitive disposition.)

cudham riding club stories

"The Cudham Riding Club,was the first Murder Mystery Dinner that I have done. It was perfect in everyway! Expecially since we were holding it at the barn. We had over 35 people show and it was talked about for weeks after. That was last year 2006. It was so much fun everyone asked when we were going to do it again! This year in May 2007 we will be doing "The Auction". I have a few more weeks to go and I already have more sign-ups than characters. It is great fun! Thank you." - Debbie

"Just a note of thanks. I was Oakley at my department's Christmas bash of Cudham Riding Club last night. We ended up with 20 plus me and everybody had a fantastic time. Some people were even making up their own sub-plots.

"I've acted in Murder Mystery Weekends for 10 years or so here in sunny Stratford which was why I suggested an MM evening, and what I  particularly appreciated was how much was going on and how easy it was to operate on the night by following the excellent pack.

"Only trouble is, we've got to try and top it next year." From Phil Bruce-Moore, England

how cudham riding club works

Unlike most boxed murder mystery games, Cudham Riding Club gives you complete control over how you solve the mystery and achieve your objectives. You will choose who to talk to, and what to ask them.

On the evening, the guests are met by Oakley Smith, the riding club's flamboyant social secretary (played by the host). During Oakley's introduction a second murder is committed - and following that everyone receives their detailed backgrounds. The fun then begins as everyone questions, bribes and blackmails each other.

As the evening progresses the following questions will be answered:

  • Who will be the new Cudham Riding Club Chairwoman?
  • Whose horse will win the Isle of Man handicap?
  • Who will end up with the most money?
  • Who killed Lady Amanda Cudham?

purchasing cudham riding club

Cudham Riding Club is available from Murder Mystery Games Ltd and costs $44.99.

Purchasing Cudham Riding Club is simple. Connect to the Murder Mystery Games Ltd website and follow the instructions! You will then receive information on how to download the main file almost immediately. Just download the game, print it out and have a great murder mystery!

And please remember that if you buy Cudham Riding Club, you are buying it from Murder Mystery Games Ltd (the publishers). Don't forget to read their terms of trade.


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New game

Cover for Backstage Business

Backstage Business - a 1980s rock music themed murder mystery for 18-22 guests.

Don't know where to start?

Here's my suggested quick route through the site:

Step 1 - Go to Choosing a Game to choose the game that suits your party best.

Step 2 - Review the Tips for Hosts for helpful advice.

Step 3 - If you want to keep up to date with the latest murder mystery game news, click on my What's New page.

Step 4 - Once you've had your party - tell me how it went! Click here to tell me your murder mystery party story.

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