How does a host make sure everyone gets the answers they need?

by John
(Portsmouth, UK)

I've looked through the site and I'm still not sure on something. I have never done a murder mystery night before but I'm planning one as our end of year rugby social. We will hopefully have over 20 people and will aim to do Way Out West (I think).

My question is if you're not all sitting round a table how do you make sure everyone gets the chance to hear all the information they require?

Do you make sure as the host that all the groups mingle on a rotation basis before the round is up or just leave them to it?

It may also get a bit repetitive if everyone has to keep going over there life story over and over again.

Any advice would be gratefully received.

My response:

Thanks for your question.

Using Way out West as an example, each character receives a detailed character background and information about the plot and also other characters.

They then circulate and mingle and try to achieve their goals, and in the process will share information with one another.

That's how most of the information is shared: it can be a bit uneven, but it usually doesn't matter as there are lots of ways for the information to be shared.

At key points in the party, the host has to make an annoucement. To do that they first get everyone's attention (I've used a whistle before, but you could just tap a glass or shout), and then read out the information to everyone present.

But that doesn't happen very often - most of the information is shared between the players.

I hope that helps!

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