Inappropriate content warnings?

Good afternoon.
I'm currently organising a murder mystery using your St. Cakes which we bought a few weeks ago. I had to pick St. Cakes as it was the biggest one available and I have up to 140 guests.

Unfortunately there were no warnings or age limits on the St. Cakes page and I am now having to put in a lot of work to censor some of the information pages as this is being used for teenagers.

I appreciate how helpful your pack is but I wanted to flag up that some advice should be given to appropriateness and age groups as the webpage makes it sound jovial and fun, instead it's full of affairs and sex. Had I known this I probably wouldn't have bought it or at least given myself more than a week to reword some of the more explicit phrasings. I certainly didn't expect for a school reunion for there to be content about students having affairs with teachers - this is causing us massive issues and is really inappropriate for us to use at school.

Any advice would be gratefully received.

My response:

You're absolutely right - and I'll change the St Cakes page to include a warning. I'll also let Murdermysterygames Ltd (the game's publishers) know of your complaint as well.

I don't know if Murdermysterygames Ltd offer a refund, if they do then you might look at one of the Mysteries-on-the-Net games as they are generally more family-friendly (but I'm not sure if their games cater for up to 140 guests).

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Jul 10, 2015
Certainly, we will honour a refund NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi - Murder Mystery Games LTD here. I can see how this happened. Our own site has appropraote content wording and I am glad that this is also now on your site Steve.

Please would the comment requester send details of the Paypal transaction I.D. to support @ and explain and I am sure we will refund this transaction.


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