Murder Mystery Fund Raiser for Cancer Research

by Judy
(Bridgewater, Ma)

I was thinking of having a fund raiser for Cancer Research. Has anyone done this before? I would have to rent a hall and charge addmission. Any sugguestions?

My response:

I've written an article about using murder mystery games for fund raising.

Click here to read fund raiser ideas.

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Nov 05, 2011
Great story!
by: steve (gmmg)

Dave - thanks for the inspirational story about using Way out west as a fund raiser!


Nov 04, 2011
Fund Raiser
by: Dave Schwalm

My wife and I ran Way out West as a fundraiser for the hospice by whom she is employed. We didn't plan to make tons of money, but we did raise well over $1000.

We were able to obtain donated use of a converted one-room schoolhouse B&B for the event. We advertised the game as "Bring a blank check, but don't fill it out until after the game is over. If you don't absolutely have a great time, keep the check in your pocket, but if you have the time of your lives (and we know that you will), please donate what you feel it was worth. You might compare the cost of theater tickets or dinner-&-a-movie."

We were also able to get some donations for some of the food and several door prizes which we acknowledged along with Freeform Games (be sure to request permission from them for use as a fundraiser... some other companies charge a use-fee).

It was a memorable event, and nobody went home with their check. I believe that this method is more effective than setting a price beforehand.

Good luck

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