Need to adapt a mystery to be part of a golf tournament

by Cheryl
(San Leandro, CA, USA)

Here's my thought. We begin the mystery with the "scene of the crime" being where everyone checks in for the tournament. We give each foursome an overview of the characters, each of the characters having some type of motive.

On every other hole, each foursome gets an envelope from someone dressed as one of the characters in the mystery. The character(s) could verbally give some information and will hand each foursome an envelope. Some envelopes will have clues and some will be empty, therefore, every foursome will not have the same exact clues. When they turn in their scorecard, the foursome also turns in their guess for "Whodunnit".

Now that I have an idea of the framework for how this could work, do you have any ideas on how I might adapt a murder mystery to fit? The golf tournament is a fundraiser taking place at a country club and is being sponsored by a local Rotary Club. The event is in September

Got any ideas?

My response:

Hmmm. Interesting challenge - it will be interesting to see how the golf tournament and the murder mystery mix.

Mysteries-on-the-Net do have a golf-themed murder mystery (Murder is the Par For the Course) and I'm thinking if you can use that somehow.

I can think of two options - one is that you take the mystery game files and chop them up into clues, which you hand out as you describe.

The other is that you have six volunteers to play the six suspects, and your golfers get to interview/interrogate them over the course of the match. (One suspect could be at one hole, another at another.)

Anyway, those are my immediate thoughts.

Click here to go to the Mysteries on the Net site and learn more about Murder is Par for the Course.

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Aug 09, 2017
Par for the Corpse NEW
by: Diane O'Connor

I'm from Jackson, NJ and we organized our Member-Guest tournament around a murder mystery loosely based on the game of Clue. We used actual members of our ladies league as the 18 suspects. We took "mug shots" of each ahead of time and game them "fun" names like "Diane "Grip it and Sip it O'Connor." We developed clues for 18 golf-related weapons and clues for each of our 18 holes on our beautiful golf course at Westlake Golf & Country Club. We had sets of clues available at each of the greens for any foursome who achieved a "net par" score. They collected these as part of their evidence - only to be opened at the luncheon to keep up pace of play. I created an "Operational Concept" for the entire tournament and will gladly share the details. Email me at:

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