On location already

We are in Greece, and I’d like to run this event for 16 of us at our villa. Is it possible to cut and paste and put into text messages your materials?

My response:

That depends on the game and whether the publishers have locked their pdfs. The games also come in different formats - some are designed to be emailed out in advance (so come with character files in individual pdfs), but others are in single pdfs.

Many games also have items that are passed between characters (usually done on cards), timed handouts and similar - all of which really need a printer (which it sounds like you won't have access to).

I'm not sure how easy it would be to turn everything into text messages - that sounds like it would be a lot of work - characters can be a thousand words long.

I'm sorry I don't have a definitive "yes" answer for you - but these murder mystery games do require proper preparation for everyone to have a great time.

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Backstage Business - a 1980s rock music themed murder mystery for 18-22 guests.

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