The Final Curtain

by Michelle
(Los Angeles, CA)

I can't thank you enough for your site! Firstly, I am a fellow SBIer (!!!) and secondly, you were the first site to come up when I searched "Murder Mystery for 15 people."

We had been planning our Halloween party for several weeks - the couple who previously hosted this party for our group moved out of state and this was our first time hosting it. The party normally has over 40 attendees, but unfortunately, by 2 days before the party, only 10 people were coming. :(

We were so disappointed and were considering just canceling the party. But then I thought - since it's a smaller group, why don't we turn it into a murder mystery party? I contacted everyone coming and they were all for it. That's when your site came in and saved the day!

I didn't think they made games for smaller groups, but your page gave me all the confidence I needed to pull it off in just 2 days. I ordered The Final Curtain (per your recommendation of aiming to fill the game instead of just meeting the minimum), downloaded it, read everything, and was able to send everyone their characters just 5 hours later!

Everyone was so excited and the party was an absolute HIT! The Final Curtain had such a fun story line and no one was able to guess the murderer. I still can't believe we were able to turn it around and your site played a big part in that! Thank you so much!

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Oct 31, 2015
I'm so pleased it was a success!
by: Steve

Thanks for sharing - I'm really pleased that you had a great party with [The Final Curtain!]

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Cover for Backstage Business

Backstage Business - a 1980s rock music themed murder mystery for 18-22 guests.

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