Can I buy about five extra characters for Dazzled to Death?

by Angela

I love the Dazzled to Death plot, but I have about 20 people - can I add characters please?

My response:

You're in luck! Freeform Games like to encourage their customers to write extra characters for their games. If they then publish them, that customer gets a free game of their choice.

As Dazzled to Death has been very popular, it has exactly five free extra characters that have been written by Freeform Games' customers.

If you want to create your own characters, I've written some tips here. (And remember, if Freeform Games like them you can earn yourself a free game!)

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Access to The Night Before Christmas PDF

by Lisa Murray
(California, USA)

Hello, I ordered The Night Before Christmas way back in 2004. I'd like to play it again, but now my computer says the PDF is password protected. I don't know how to access it because I don't know the password. Please help!

My response

Hi Lisa,

Unlike some other murder mystery publishers, Freeform Games allow you to run their games an unlimited number of times. But of course, it does rely on you keeping all the details.

As you've lost the password, I suggest you contact Freeform Games direct (use their website and ask for the password. (They'll probably give you a new password so that you can download the latest version of the game.) You'll need to quote the email that you used to order the game so that they can check their records.

I hope that helps - and have a good party.

Click here to learn more about The Night Before Christmas.

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The Night Before Christmas - allocation of parts

I've 8 girls & 7 guys (and me as host). When I get the game, will it explain the best way to allocate the 3 parts of played by "either-sex", i.e. which of the 3 "either sex" would be best as the one required male?

My response:

Hi - I'm pleased to hear that you decided on The Night Before Christmas. When you get the game the instructions tell you exactly which of the characters to use, and in which order. With 15 players you'll be using all of them.

As for the gender-neutral characters, it really doesn't matter whether they are played by a boy or a girl. So what I suggest you do is read through the gender-neutral characters and decide which one you think best suits one of the boys that are attending, and go with that.

Click here to learn more about The Night Before Christmas.

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New game

Cover for Backstage Business

Backstage Business - a 1980s rock music themed murder mystery for 18-22 guests.

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Step 1 - Go to Choosing a Game to choose the game that suits your party best.

Step 2 - Review the Tips for Hosts for helpful advice.

Step 3 - If you want to keep up to date with the latest murder mystery game news, click on my What's New page.

Step 4 - Once you've had your party - tell me how it went! Click here to tell me your murder mystery party story.

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